Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Political is Personal

Everybody pretty much knows how I feel about this election already. And I can't promise not to post again before the end on Tuesday, because I care too much about it, and it's making me a little crazy, I admit. The information is out there, although it's becoming harder and harder to get at the truth these days. To my loved ones who are still leaning towards DT, I pray that you reconsider. Don't be played. The man is a fraud and a dangerous one. There is so much at stake here for our country and the rest of the world. Personally, because of the things he has said and the accusations that have been made against him, I've had to revisit a lot of pain and fear related to past assaults in my own life that I thought were healed. But what I've realized from this whole national ordeal is that it never totally goes away, but you have to move on. Move towards the light!

When we all wake up next Wednesday, the election is going to be over, and I hope I will be able to breathe again. Or I may need to take a day off to stay home and cry.

This weekend, I am going to be dancing, staying away from the internet, and getting out of my head for awhile. Thanks to Gabrielle Roth, New Yorker extraordinaire, free spirit, and wise shaman, who created a beautiful dance meditation for someone like me, which has miraculously been imported to Dubai by some amazing people here. It is a way to process pain and get to the joy underneath it all. Also, it is a way to keep from objectifying our precious human bodies and inhabiting them instead. Females are not rated here on a 1-10 scale. Form is not required, just surrender. Males can be themselves too, powerful or maybe even vulnerable. Real no matter what. I could say more about it, but I need to get moving!

"Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?"
Gabrielle Roth

Sending love and light to everyone in the USA and elsewhere who care to read this post!!!

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