Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Political is Personal

Everybody pretty much knows how I feel about this election already. And I can't promise not to post again before the end on Tuesday, because I care too much about it, and it's making me a little crazy, I admit. The information is out there, although it's becoming harder and harder to get at the truth these days. To my loved ones who are still leaning towards DT, I pray that you reconsider. Don't be played. The man is a fraud and a dangerous one. There is so much at stake here for our country and the rest of the world. Personally, because of the things he has said and the accusations that have been made against him, I've had to revisit a lot of pain and fear related to past assaults in my own life that I thought were healed. But what I've realized from this whole national ordeal is that it never totally goes away, but you have to move on. Move towards the light!

When we all wake up next Wednesday, the election is going to be over, and I hope I will be able to breathe again. Or I may need to take a day off to stay home and cry.

This weekend, I am going to be dancing, staying away from the internet, and getting out of my head for awhile. Thanks to Gabrielle Roth, New Yorker extraordinaire, free spirit, and wise shaman, who created a beautiful dance meditation for someone like me, which has miraculously been imported to Dubai by some amazing people here. It is a way to process pain and get to the joy underneath it all. Also, it is a way to keep from objectifying our precious human bodies and inhabiting them instead. Females are not rated here on a 1-10 scale. Form is not required, just surrender. Males can be themselves too, powerful or maybe even vulnerable. Real no matter what. I could say more about it, but I need to get moving!

"Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?"
Gabrielle Roth

Sending love and light to everyone in the USA and elsewhere who care to read this post!!!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Moving to Dubai Part 2

Well, I wrote the blog entry a couple of months ago about moving to Dubai, but just got around to posting it.  Knowing it wasn't perfect I hesitated. So yes, I am still moving and I will start my new job on August 14th.

Today I am torn up about all the violence going on in the US and around the world and my powerlessness to do much about it. I can spout my opinions on Facebook, although seriously, I know it doesn't do much good.

Anyway, there was a local incident last week that hit close to home for me. An Emirati man was arrested and held by the police in Avon, Ohio:

Avon is where my father spent the last few years of his life in the home of Carmen and Daniel Ivan, loving caregivers who immigrated from Romania to Northern Ohio where both my brothers live, not more than 15 minutes from the Fairfield Inn where this incident took place.

Dad watching TV at Carmen and Daniel Ivan's 

Yes, it was all a terrible misunderstanding and the police offered an apology. Because of the hotel clerk's unfamiliarity with the traditional dress of the UAE, she flipped out and assumed he must be involved with ISIS and called the police. They rushed in and threw him to the ground, even though he didn't pose any immediate threat. It was a huge mistake and thank God, it got sorted out. But it could have gone another way. 

On all sides, after it was over, people called for moderation, understanding, tolerance and even forgiveness, which did some good in restoring the dignity of the Emirati who was in the Cleveland area for treatment of a heart condition. The police in Avon had the decency to be embarrassed and to recognize their mistake right away, offering a formal apology.

Violence did not break out.

Living in Abu Dhabi as I have been for the last several years, I have come to be very familiar with the local dress and comfortable with the peaceful and overwhelmingly gracious Muslim neighbors I have gotten to know. The only time I feel in danger here is when I get behind the wheel of my car and venture out, as the driving is notoriously treacherous, although the government is making efforts to crack down on reckless drivers who exceed the speed limit.

My point in writing all this is to marvel a little bit at the way my worlds are colliding right now. I might be just as frightened by a man in a white kandura as the clerk at the Fairfield Inn, if I had never left northern Ohio, and if all I knew of the Middle East was the media representation of ISIS and footage of bombings and war in other parts of this region. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know this part of the world, as the UAE truly is a safe and tolerant place to live.  

The fear of otherness is real and natural, and maybe more at cause in violence than fundamental racism. It's all in our perception of who and what is a threat. 

Unfortunately the terrorists use this to their advantage. And also unfortunately,  there are some police who don't seem to know restraint in a situation they mistakenly perceive to be dangerous.   And of course, most unfortunately, there is a politician in the US right now who incites fear of otherness for his own selfish ends, to garner support for his particular brand of xenophobia and egotistical need for power and applause. I find that most dangerous because we are so in need of peacemakers right now, but peace doesn't necessarily have the same toxic appeal as the contact high that comes from completely undisciplined expressions of  aggression. And then there is the aftermath of grief and shock when violence explodes and nobody knows quite how to stop it from happening again... ad infinitum.

So this so called politician, this poser who says he wants to be president, is coming to my hometown in a couple of weeks. Cleveland is ready, but I wish the Republicans could have found a more worthy candidate to present. I'll be watching the trainwreck from afar! The truth is I can't tear myself away.

My hometown

At any rate, I hate offending people with my opinions, so if I have offended anyone who took the trouble to read this, please know that it is all just my opinion, and truly my fervent wish is that we all grow in understanding, love and tolerance for one another.  America is already great, but that would make it even greater! 

In the meantime, wish me well in this upcoming move, which I think is going to be quite a new chapter to my adventure over here in the UAE, my home away from home that I have come to love in spite of myself.

My friend, Ami and I checking out the Souq at Dubai Creek


Moving to Dubai Inshallah

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

In August I'll be moving to Dubai to take a new job at an International School there. Both sad to be leaving Abu Dhabi, and excited by this new opportunity. Even though it is only about an hour and a half up the road, I know my life is going to change a lot.

Why do I say, "Inshallah?" Because I have learned never to count on anything definitively over here, and that if it is "God's Will" it will happen, and if it doesn't happen, it wasn't God's Will.

Most likely, it is going to happen, although sometimes I still get the urge to run from the UAE. Sometimes I just want to go home! For good. But then the opportunities open up over here, and I can't resist seeing where it will lead. If I had known how difficult it would be at times, living here, would I have come over in the first place?

I'll never know the answer to that question, as I got the initial teaching job in May 2011, and haven't looked back. Abu Dhabi has been so good to me, in so many ways, and I finally know my way around pretty well. Mostly I am going to miss seeing my friends on a weekly basis and our Saturday night meditation. I won't be that far away so hopefully I can come back and forth some weekends. And I hope I have a bit of space in my new apartment for visitors!

Abu Dhabi Party People

A special note to any of my friends/family in the USA who may read this post... please know that your support is more appreciated and needed than ever. It is my connection to you that makes me strong enough to make this change and to continue this journey. If I don't always know how to express this, I am saying it now! I love you all!

So anyway, change, bring it on!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Not Knowing

"If I keep a green bough in my heart the singing bird will come."
Chinese proverb

Yellow bird that lives on the patio of my apartment building. 

Not Knowing

Sometimes you have to leave

what you think you know


No one ever really wants to do this.

Knowing things

thinking we know things

can be very comforting.

All day, soul whispers

what I need to know.

I don't hear her

until I lay aside

cherished beliefs and assumptions

until I dare to be with the not-knowing.

And then. . . .

Well, that's the risky part, isn't it?

There is no telling

what living an ensouled life

might ask of us.

Monday, May 9, 2016

10 Great Things About My Mother

Captain Brian's Seafood, Sarasota, Florida

10 Great Things about my Mother:

Steadfastly refuses to use Social Media, I can respect that!
Always willing to talk, whenever I call.
Shares her practical wisdom which is correct most every time!
Has always supported me in all my wild adventures.
Everybody who knows my mom tells me how much they love my Mom!
She spent her life for her children and
Then she took pains to make a life of her own when we were all grown up.
She shows me how to share unconditional love in her relationship with Bobby.
She never forgets any of our goofy family inside jokes and traditions.
She can be really tough if she needs to be!
But she is quick to forgive.
She lives near the beach now and is fun to go to the movies with!
She brought me to my first 12 step meeting when I was 16; even though I wasn’t ready
at the time, it planted the seed.
She took really good care of Trixie for me this fall and winter, which wasn’t easy for her…
And she gathers up all my mail in the US and saves it for when I come home!

(Okay, that was 15, but of course I could go on and on…)

Love you Mom!

Mom, Mandy, Me, Lisa
With Aunt Tina, Summer 2014
Bobby and Mom at Bradenton Beach