Monday, May 16, 2016

Not Knowing

"If I keep a green bough in my heart the singing bird will come."
Chinese proverb

Yellow bird that lives on the patio of my apartment building. 

Not Knowing

Sometimes you have to leave

what you think you know


No one ever really wants to do this.

Knowing things

thinking we know things

can be very comforting.

All day, soul whispers

what I need to know.

I don't hear her

until I lay aside

cherished beliefs and assumptions

until I dare to be with the not-knowing.

And then. . . .

Well, that's the risky part, isn't it?

There is no telling

what living an ensouled life

might ask of us.

Monday, May 9, 2016

10 Great Things About My Mother

Captain Brian's Seafood, Sarasota, Florida

10 Great Things about my Mother:

Steadfastly refuses to use Social Media, I can respect that!
Always willing to talk, whenever I call.
Shares her practical wisdom which is correct most every time!
Has always supported me in all my wild adventures.
Everybody who knows my mom tells me how much they love my Mom!
She spent her life for her children and
Then she took pains to make a life of her own when we were all grown up.
She shows me how to share unconditional love in her relationship with Bobby.
She never forgets any of our goofy family inside jokes and traditions.
She can be really tough if she needs to be!
But she is quick to forgive.
She lives near the beach now and is fun to go to the movies with!
She brought me to my first 12 step meeting when I was 16; even though I wasn’t ready
at the time, it planted the seed.
She took really good care of Trixie for me this fall and winter, which wasn’t easy for her…
And she gathers up all my mail in the US and saves it for when I come home!

(Okay, that was 15, but of course I could go on and on…)

Love you Mom!

Mom, Mandy, Me, Lisa
With Aunt Tina, Summer 2014
Bobby and Mom at Bradenton Beach