Thursday, May 8, 2014

Castles in the Sky

Chateaux Bruniquel - France

I am constantly getting great ideas of things I want to write about and am always reading interesting articles online that I want to comment on too, but for some reason, writing prolifically just isn't happening right seems all I can do is hold my breath until summer vacation. Someday in the future I hope to be able to write more coherently about my experiences here, or maybe I never will, I don't know.  I feel disappointed in myself but at the same time, I have to accept where I'm at. 

Living in the present is a challenge because not knowing where I'm going next is driving me absolutely nuts.  It also seems like I'm accomplishing next to nothing, but I am showing up for the classes I teach and doing my best to help my students. 

Last summer I was lucky enough to visit Chateaux Bruniquel in the southwest of France, a magical place straight out of Medieval times!  Then at Christmas, I was able to visit Budapest and stayed near Buda Castle there, another incredibly beautiful place. I've been dreaming of these castles in the sky a lot lately...
Last Summer

But when I am honest with myself, as much as I love these places, it seems like this year all I am craving is roots.  Making decisions by myself seems to be wearing me down a bit.  Perhaps it is almost time to come home, but not exactly sure where that is anymore!

Nelly Furtado's I'm Like a Bird

It can be easy to lose the plot over here at times, so a person has to find ways to stay grounded.

(Either that or get on a boat with good friends!)

Off the coast of Oman 

I must admit I really didn't have a care in the world last weekend floating around the Musandam Peninsula off the coast of Oman (and we saw dolphins!)

“A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller.”

Musandam Peninsula 

It's this idea of being alone that is so oppressive. I feel like I should know better and that it is an illusion, yet I still feel it sometimes.  I am told it is a huge problem for people here and so it is not unique to me.  When I'm in my apartment I can get a bit agoraphobic and don't want to go out... that's when it really creeps in. 

So getting out of here for awhile (July 18 - August 23) will do me a world of good but I will have to leave Trixie!  That's another emotional hurdle I need to get over.  We've done it two summers now and she has been fine both times, but it's still so hard to leave her.  

"Where ya going?"

A thought comes to mind:  Paris would probably cheer me up!  I've been able to go two summers in a row now, so maybe I could go for a few days on my way to or fro.

Yes, this life I am living is beyond my wildest dreams and yes, I know I have Gucci problems today, and yes, I am grateful for them.

Solo in Paris

Summer 2012 - Eiffel Tower

Love and light to all until the next time! 



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